The Best European Windows For Demanding Climates

The Best European Windows For Demanding Climates

Are You Looking For Windows For Your Difficult Climate?

We’ve put together a list of some of the best windows available for different climates and how they will fare in bad weather. This guide will not only help you find windows that can handle the storm but will also help you understand what is it that makes a DAKO window ideal for a certain climate. Let’s have a look at some of the most demanding weather and what kind of windows will be perfect for those extreme climates.

Battle the Winters

The Northwest is famously known for its rain, fog, and rainy winters. In the Pacific Northwest, winter precipitation can be as low as half of an inch per month and as high as an inch per day. If you live in an area that receives a lot of rain in the winter, then you need to look for windows that are well insulated against the elements. Glass that can resist water intrusion will keep your home warmer and keep your energy bills down!

If you want windows that can handle snow, icy winds, or just a blast of cold air, then high R-value double-pane glass windows are a must. Such types of glass (along with other insulation and weatherproofing) will keep the cold air out.Do you want to stay warm? Expand your search for windows to include high R-value glass.

Perhaps you want windows for your mountain cabin? If so, then a high R-valuedouble-pane glass and other weatherproofing features, such as Low-E coatings is your way to go. A blast of cold air will cut through any uninsulated windows. But don’t worry! Double pane windows can withstand just about anything!

Brace yourself for Hurricanes and Storms

What other extreme weather do you have to consider? Hurricanes and strong winds! Hurricanes may not be as frequent as in Florida or Louisiana, but that’s no reason to ignore them. If you live in a coastal area, then you should get a window where your home can withstand the combination of rain and strong wind.

Coastal areas get a lot of rain and wind, so If your home is near a large body of water, then high R-value double-pane glass windows will not only keep the heat in but also protect you against unpleasant weather phenomena.

Stay Cool in Midst of Heat Waves

During summer, extreme heat can be a nightmare for your home. Staying cool is one of the most important things you have to do during these times (especially if it is during peak hours). This is why it is important to look for windows that are not only protected against hot weather but also at least dual pane so that there will be an escape from sunshine penetrating through your windows.

The kind of window you choose will depend on yourself and your lifestyle. If you want a window that doesn’t let in any streaks, then you should look for some type of glass that has no tinting or coating on it so that the sun’s rays will not affect your room temperature. However, if you are looking for something that keeps the summer heat out, then tinted or coated windows may be the way to go.

A Good Insulation is Your Friend

Insulated glass is made up of two panes of glass with a layer of air or gas in between the two panes to keep the cold out and keep the warm air inside. These air or gas-filled layers are what help insulate your home, keeping it at a comfortable temperature even on those hot days or icy nights. The insulation works by separating the interior from the exterior by at least 1/4 inch. This way, warm air will not escape into the cold and your home will be comfortable year round.

If you like to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer, then double pane windows are what you need. With their gas-filled layers, they will help insulate your home against heat and cold, keeping it at a comfortable temperature whether it is winter or summer. But be careful! If your house is uninsulated, then even double pane windows will not cut the heat!

High-quality R-value glass will not only keep your home comfortable on those hot days or cold nights. Energy efficient windows are a must if you want to save money on your monthly electricity bills.

Why Are Low-E Coatings Important?

Low-E coatings are used in some of the very best windows to keep them cool. Low-E coatings are known to be great insulators so they can help you drastically cut down on how much your home produces during the summer months. Low-E coatings are made of phosphors and help to stop heat from entering your home.

Everything You need and More!

If you’re looking to replace your old windows, or if you just want to know what your options are with regards to the insulating glass, then consider the following:

  • Double pane glass is always better than the single pane
  • Low-E coatings are good for reducing heat in the summer
  • Don’t forget about insulation, regardless of the climate you live in.

There are many options on the market, but not every manufacturer can boast a wide range of truly high-quality products.If you happen to be looking for a comprehensive offer of window and door joinery that meets all the requirements listed above – be sure to check out the offer of European manufacturer DAKO.The high quality of products and the assistance of professionals with extensive experience in the industry will certainly not disappoint you.

Remember – there is no reason you should pay more for low-quality insulated glass simply because it is expensive! High R-value double pane windows are actually twice as much as their budget-friendly counterparts. So, think twice before finally making a decision. Happy Shopping!